The research is clear. Having a healthy work-life balance will improve almost every aspect of your life. Some people strike a balance without struggle. Others struggle mightily.

In terms of work-life balance, 94% of service professionals in the U.S. work more than 50 hours a week. Many of these people also work on the weekends. (Some studies show working more than 40 hours per week is stressful, others cite 55+ hours as a source for being out-of-balance.) Forty-eight percent of Americans consider themselves workaholics, but 72% of people consider work-life balance when job-searching.

For those who struggle with work-life balance, what’s the actual challenge?

Why do we not automatically choose balance? After all, we’re smart and competent.

Which of these scenarios rings truest for you?

  1. Balancing the significant areas of my life will take too much time away from work. Balance will cost me too much and limit my success.
  2. I can’t possibly be successful without being in balance. Balance is how my life works best.

Depending on the messages, time, attention and nurturing you received (or didn’t receive) from your parents, you tend toward either #1 or #2.

If you have a past in which you absorbed unconditional love, acceptance, attention and nurturing - you're asking Why would someone not choose what’s good for them? Choosing the healthier of two options comes easy to you. Balance is not your struggle.

But if your battle cry is I already don’t have enough time – you're thinking work-life balance requires way too much time (which is your most important resource and how you can be successful at work).

You have a past in which you absorbed uneasiness, fear, trauma, detachment and neglect. You learned to worry about your caregiver when they were more concerned about themselves. Your inner voice may say, “Take care of others always. Make sure they are comfortable at all costs.” Self-care doesn’t even cross your mind, yet not rocking the boat sure does.

If your childhood resembles the latter, you struggle with self-esteem, self-care, self-love, self-acceptance, and self-worth. Your inner voice is a harsh self-critic, and you’re last on your list (if you’re on your list at all). Without resolving childhood messages and healing your past, you'll overwork, overspend, overeat (or underdo in those areas) and struggle in important areas such as health, love, laughter and levity.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is that you’re reading this. You absolutely have a choice to change your future by resolving old tapes and negative messages and healing your past. Doing so will clear your body, mind, soul and spirit. You will have ample opportunity to go for the life you've always imagined for yourself.

Easton INSIGHT | Authentic success is built on balance.

The rest of your story will be as unique as you are.

Redefine your success and get honest about what you will do to achieve your authentic success. As you heal those limiting beliefs and your heart - delight in your life. Find your path that is lit up with what you really want. 

I’ve done this work and transformed my life. Let's talk if you’re ready to take a courageous step toward authentic success in your life. Book a call with me and let's begin your adventure.

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