Perfectionism, Shame and Overworking to Self-Care and Success

While overworking saved me from incapacitating depression, being workaholic (without an ounce of self-care) turned on me after years of giving all I had at the office. I do not blame this on the organization I loved and gave so much to.

Workaholism was an effective coping skill and distraction from everything else a well-balanced Laura would have had – health, love, children, levity, spiritual connection.

I was running from vulnerability, pain, betrayal, loss, loneliness, shame, the past. Work was my safe place – the easy part of my life, because it was more predictable and I had some control. If I got the master's degree and certifications, worked hard, gave all I could, did my best - I would probably succeed.

Overworking is often caused by perfectionism. Perfectionism is often based on a fear of judgment or disapproval from others - sometimes stemming from childhood.

In my case, there were unrealistically high expectations of me, contradictory lessons, emotional trauma and bizarre experiences.

If I wasn't perfect and did not succeed, I would be a loser and so ashamed that I might do something irreversible to myself.

However! My story is one of resilience. A young girl who grew up way too fast, absorbed traumas, developed bed-wetting and nail-biting anxiety, became an award-winning people-pleaser and caretaker - and then turned to alcohol, drugs, work, food, and other dangerous behaviors to cope with anxiety, shame, fear and rage. I sobered up from many addictions, though work and food persisted.

When I hit a wall working myself into a stupor and left the organization I so loved, I dedicated myself to healing. I committed to taking care of myself and - as scary as it was at first - I promised I would face the past and get a personal life.

I made the vital shift to life-work balance (no longer putting work above myself). I risked prioritizing my self-care out of necessity even though I was scared I'd lose my success and become obsolete.

The opposite happened! When I became vulnerable, authentic, healthy and found love - I became more successful in my life – and a whole lot happier, healthier and wealthier.

I am super passionate about my life's work - I bring health to organizations and their people thorough consulting and coaching. Not only do I have the experience, higher education, skill and innate talent to do this work - I have literally lived through it as an individual and as a C-suite leader and consultant helping organizations develop strategies, teams and goals along with employee morale, productivity and retention.

Your bottom line is best when you are your healthiest and happiest.

If you are (or someone you know) is ready to heal, grow and sustain overall success - book a call!

I coach motivated, busy professionals live one-on-one and in my 12-week online program (which also includes live coaching). When we work together to make your vital shift to life-work balance, I am with you every step of the way.

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