RESIST THE TEMPTATION TO REST ON YOUR LAURELS (when it comes to your self-care)
You achieved the goal, won the award, found love, lost weight, moved into the C-suite. Whatever your recent success, congratulations!
Culture says you deserve to celebrate. I don't disagree, yet I offer caution...
The part of you that overworked, overproduced and sacrificed personal time to achieve the goal is running on E M P T Y and needs a giant dose of self-care.
When you're tired and feel like taking a break - it's time to double-down on self-care, or else that exhausted and depleted part of you will take over and run the show.
That leads to self-sabotage, bad judgment and poor decision-making. Now what?
Take a break...but not from self-care. Resist the temptation to rest on your laurels.
To be successful - and stay successful - tune in! Be present in your body, mind and spirit. Maintain self-care (it helped you get here).
Listen to your body when it's screaming from a place of burnout and anger. Check your attitude and behavior for any edge you're bringing to interactions with others.
Neglecting self-care, abandoning discipline and taking a break from your healthy and intentional habits - will steal your energy and serenity.
Intentional actions and habits lead to success. Discipline, being present and engaging in your life, taking care of your body, mind, spirit and soul are essential tools for living and working at a pace you can sustain.
Resist the temptation to rest on your laurels - take a well-deserved break from achieving, producing and hustling... but not from self-care.
If you struggle with consistent self-care or taking a break from the stress and overwhelm - schedule a free call with me. (As always, please forward this on to anyone who needs to hear this message.)
Laura Easton, LMSW, CFRE, ACC | OD Consultant + Executive Coach