My coach asked me why I'm so passionate about helping women. What's my greater good?
I want to help women get The Manual they didn't get in childhood.
The one that promises safety and teaches us boundaries. The one that says we can do anything we want - that we are capable beyond our wildest dreams. We are worthy and we belong.
Our bodies are sacred. No means no. The manual describes what we will go through when we come of age - and what boys will experience as their bodies develop.
There will be no surprises - or shame.
The manual prescribes a young person's life lessons and delivers results like self-esteem, self-respect, self-confidence, self-love, self-acceptance.
The manual infuses girls with the desire to be treated like a young lady even when we are in that tom-boy stage. That the world is safe and we're encouraged to try things, take risks, be vulnerable, sing out loud and speak up.
We get to talk and work through our thoughts and form our own opinions. And we learn that it's absolutely okay to change our minds.
We fall down and learn to get back up. When we make mistakes, we still feel loved and accepted. The manual ensures us that we are human and so is everyone else.
But what if you didn't get it?
It's not too late to create your own.
When a woman develops and creates her Life Manual at this point in her life, she releases the fear and shame of not already knowing what everyone else must already know.
She is empowered and finds her way.
I know what it feels like to have missed the Life Manual in childhood - and to get the wrong one. The one that taught us to people-please and to stay quiet and small. The one that told us we are not worthy and that we wouldn’t get what the other girls would get.
What I learned was not all bad, by any stretch. Yet I internalized negative messages and limiting thoughts that drove me until I got into recovery.
I had kept myself from the life I thought I didn't get to have - UNTIL I CREATED MY OWN MANUAL.
I am passionate about helping women learn to stand up for themselves and take charge of their choices, decisions and lives.
My Life Manual supports me in taking care of myself, being in relationship with others and doing what I was put here on earth to do.
If you are a woman who struggles to learn how to take care of yourself - if you're a professional woman who is still hustling for worthiness (as Brené Brown describes), and living an empty life... book a call and let's see if we want to do brave and meaningful work together.