Gain Clarity · Respect · Confidence · Discipline ·  Success ·  Boundaries · Love · Connection · Enjoyment · Health · Laughter · Passion for Your Life + Work


Coach with Laura



Gain Clarity  · Respect · Confidence ·   Discipline · Success ·  Boundaries · Love · Connection · Enjoyment · Health · Laughter · Passion for Your Life + Work


Coach with Laura



MORE BENEFITS: You're rested, clear, even-keeled, physically fit, prepared, present, boundaried, confident and well-respected. You're consistently prioritizing self-care which is propelling you to success. You have life-work balance - and feel amazing.

My name is Laura Easton and I work with female executives, nonprofit leaders, start-up and small business owners, clinicians, coaches, and women with double-digit recovery from addiction, codependency, betrayal and other trauma.

My clients transform significant areas of life where they've been dissatisfied and unfulfilled. You will thrive in all areas where you want to actively engage.

You'll invest your time, energy and resources on what you know will transform your life into the one you long to live. You'll discover what's driving your choices and causing you to resist self-care.

I'll be with you every step of the way as you access your courage and overcome fears, reactivity, self-limiting beliefs and old tapes that don't work for you anymore.

Confidently say YES to any invitation you like (without excuses, stipulations or any other low self-esteem self-talk you used to have).

I went from powerless to purpose.

My story is one of resilience. I grew up way too fast, absorbed traumas, became an award-winning people-pleaser and caretaker, and turned to alcohol, drugs, work, food and unhealthy behaviors to cope with anxiety, shame, fear, rage.

I no longer dwell in my history. I'm grateful for all I've learned, healed, stopped, started, gained and lost. Life is good.

If you're ready to grow and sustain success in your one life - including a healthy body, mind, spirit and soul - you can do it!

I went from powerless to purpose.

My story is one of resilience. I grew up way too fast, absorbed traumas, became an award-winning people-pleaser and caretaker, and turned to alcohol, drugs, work, food and unhealthy behaviors to cope with anxiety, shame, fear, rage.

I no longer dwell in my history. I'm grateful for all I've learned, healed, stopped, started, gained and lost. Life is good.

If you're ready to grow and sustain success in your one life - including a healthy body, mind, spirit and soul - you can do it!

This is your time to transform.

The Vital Shift to Life-Work Balance Program is not a quick fix. It's about truth and transformation. On the path to the life you've always wanted, you'll recognize when you self-sabotage and you will resolve core triggers.

Intentionally successful career women are clever and industrious. You can pay a personal trainer and hire a chef to provide healthy meals. You can outsource all things except YOU.

If you are constantly overworking, overwhelmed and overloaded - you're making unhealthy choices and short-sighted decisions. You work more at your career than in your personal life. If this sounds familiar and you're ready to do something about it...


My program is not a quick fix. It's about truth and transformation. You'll get the life you've always wanted but - for some reason (which we'll figure out) - you kept yourself blocked from.

As ambitious and intentionally successful women, we are clever and industrious. We can will our way into a daily exercise routine and hire a chef to provide healthy meals. You can outsource all things imaginable, except one. YOU.

If you are constantly overworked, overwhelmed, overloaded - your choices are unhealthy. You tend to pour more into work than into self-care. You tell yourself lies. "Once I get to X level and bring in Y amount, I'll be able to do what I want - find a soulmate, travel the world, spoil my grandkids, say yes more and workout everyday. I'll be so healthy."

Even with life balance, we have challenges. You'll notice a difference in your response to real life. Challenges were excuses to derail self-care - you will have the foundation of non-negotiable self-care and meaningful connection to support and buoy you through the tough times.


I work with female executives, nonprofit leaders, ambitious career women, clinicians, coaches, start-up and small business owners. I'll meet you where you are and help you:




Through executive coaching, you'll prioritize self-care and benefit from improved mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. You'll boost your confidence and - by setting yourself up for success - you'll create an amazing life personally and professionally. Your work may include opportunities to:

  • Resolve internalized limiting beliefs and old tapes that undermine you at every turn and keep you stuck.
  • Heal old traumas and childhood experiences that get triggered and cause over-reactions.
  • Break through what's holding you back from creating the professional and personal life you truly want.
  • Grow your professional and personal success by prioritizing your self-care. 
  • Transform from a life of self-sabotage, workaholism, self-neglect, people-pleasing and less-than-satisfying situations.

You are ready to invest in more than your career - and to create the life you've always wanted.



Programs are live and in real time. Benefit from live coaching with me over 4 weeks with support and accountability.

You will have (2) one-on-one coaching sessions and (3) weekly 90-minute group coaching sessions. Accountability worksheets and exercise templates will be provided. Laura's group coaching programs are small by design, held via Zoom and for women only.

It starts with a free coaching Clarity Call with Me to get clear on your goals and next step.

When I booked my call with Laura...

I had one goal: I just want to stay on the beam - you know, not screw anything up. The truth is that I've gotten so much more - and I'm not stopping! She helps guide me through all aspects of my life including family dynamics, work-place issues (management of employees, communication skills, business practices) and any other part of my life that gets in my way of being the best person I can be.

Most importantly, she has taught me that WORDS MATTER. How I express myself to others, how I show up in situations, how I communicate with family versus how I communicate with clients and colleagues has become an integral part of my success story.

In the beginning, I was not sure I could financially support the coaching; however, as we have gone forward, it has been the best money I have ever spent.

Laura gets me - she's been where I am. She sees me as a smart, ambitious, successful and professional woman. I’ve learned even more ways to take care of myself at a level that is fundamentally changing my life. Working with her is helping me achieve self-care and balance while keeping my success.

I am grateful that I essentially have Laura Easton on retainer for all the major priorities in my life.

Diane St. Yves Brewer, Executive Client



  • You're overwhelmed and think it's normal to sacrifice self-care to do more and hustle faster.
  • You're ready to walk off the job, stop the madness and clear the chaotic frenzy from work. You've hit burnout.
  • You put your dreams and goals on hold until you retire, send kids off to college, fall in love, get promoted...
  • You're struggling to catch up on responsibilities - perfectionism and procrastination are kicking your butt.
I've been right where you are and now live a life beyond my wildest imagination.

Consider coaching one-on-one with me or join one of my powerful group programs.

Coaching is part of your professional development and may be reimbursable by your employer.


Working with Laura has been a gift I gave to me!

Laura’s coaching has helped me uncover belief systems that have been limiting my ability to even dream my true life, much less live it. Now I have the tools and the mindset to reclaim myself from the rubble of others' expectations and to care for myself and for my purpose on this planet. I am so happy and grateful!

- Paige M., Executive Client